IMPRS Alumni & Alumnae

Our IMPRS alumni and alumna are thriving both as postdoctoral researchers in acadamia as well as in industry.
The following table shows our IMPRS for Brain and Behavior alumni and alumnae in reverse order of the year of their thesis defense.
The title of the dissertation is linked to the entry in the university's repository.


Year  Name PhD Thesis Title Supervisor
 2023 Fernando Messore Organization principles of thalamocortical input onto deep-layer inhibitory neurons of the barrel cortex Marcel Oberländer
 2023 Fabian Distler Large scale in vivo recordings of dentate gyrus granule cells during trace eyeblink conditioning Heinz Beck
 2023 Andres Flores-Valle Sleep and navigation in Drosophila Johannes Seelig
 2023 Petra Mocellin A Basal Forebrain to Midbrain Circuit Drivers Exploratory Locomotion Stefan Rémy
 2023 Arne Monsees Toward Constrained Animal Pose Estimation Jason Kerr / Jackob Macke          
 2022 Anne Quatraccioni Regulation of inhibitory synaptic connections and distal neuronal complexity by the Ste20-like kinase Slk Susanne Schoch McGovern
 2021 Pedro Royero Participation of Ste20-like kinase-deficient neurons in the abnormal circuitry of focal epileptogenic lesions Heinz Beck
 2021 Joanna Agniesza Komorowska-Müller The endocannabinoid system and cognition Andreas Zimmer
 2021 Daniel Müller- Komorowska Inhibitory Circuits of the CA3-Dentate Gyrus System Heinz Beck
 2020 Ilkin Deniz Özer Analyzing the role of CyFIP2 in the mouse brain Walter Witke
 2020 Jason Michael Guest      Structural and functional principles of long-range connectivity in the rat vibrissal system Marcel Oberländer